The taxi rates for Canada taxi cabs from Montreal Quebec to Burlington Vermont airport (Btv) are from $250.00 - $350.00. This price does not include gratuity. We are charging only $180.00 U.S. for airport taxi cab service to or from Montreal airport. The downtown rates of Montreal is a flat fee of $165.00. If the reservation is to be picked up at the Pierre Trudeau airport there will be an additional $20.00 parking fee (charged by the airport) while we wait for your flight to arrive. Please call or email us for a special rate to downtown Montreal.
As of November 1st,2012 we will be changing these taxi rates. Downtown will be changed from $165.00 to $175.00 and the Montreal airport rate will be changed from $180.00 to $195.00. We have kept this price for over 3 years and now we need to raise it because of added expenses and gas prices. There will still be the added $20.00 maximum airport parking fee.
You should reserve a minimum of 4 hours for flights departing from Montreal or Burlington Vermont. The travel time between these 2 airports without any delays for traffic or border crossing is a full 2 hours or 120 minutes. If you add in the delays you are looking at a 3 to 4 hour travel time. We do not want to hear that our customers missed their flight because of this or that reason. Remember " It's always better to be early than late ".